Depeche Mode - Sounds of the Universe
Morrissey - Years of Refusal
Various - Sounds of the Fifties : 1959
David Sylvian - Blemish
Soundtracked today by two of my nominations for Album of the Year (so far)...
A very tasty casserole from the fair hands of the Exec Producer nourished...
A call from sister Pam - my mum was at A&E last night having had her leg slashed open by a wind induced car door shutting on it - she will live, albeit with some considerable pain...
Quick work (a few hours) on a 1959 collection for friends of colleague Margaret's dad, who will shortly celebrate 50 years of marriage...
Had not realised what an almost unrelenting pile of shite popular music was at the time of my birth - of course, for jazz, 1959 was a classic year...
Enjoyed an interview with David Sylvian in this month's The Wire...
Of course had it been any of the usual unknown struggling artists they usually interview spouting exactly the same pretentious pish, I would have whole heartedly scoffed...
Instead I listened to his last LP, "Blemish"...
A call from Dr Prog asking me to remove a pic from Saturday's entry as it makes him look weird - I did not agree his weirdness but I did replace the pic - Doctor of Censorship...
On TV, only Charlie Booker's programme attracted...
A mountain of DVDs awaits my perusal...
A mail from Penny to thank us again for work done re Brodski's surprise party - I must advise it was a labour of love...
A mail too from Macclesfield Craig advising he has shoulder problems - mine were not too bad today I must confess...
OK, lights out...
Highlight of the Day : Depeche Mode, Morrissey, David Sylvian and the casserole....
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