Various - Under the Radar
In my alternative role, I was picked up and driven to Fife early doors for breakfast followed by my presenting to a large company in relation to the placing of around £8m...
A success - very probably...
Thus my main role (in my head) of musician and artist can continue to be funded...
Funny how I am very successful in my alternative role yet my music and art remain, in the main, ignored by my potential audience...
After I'm gone will anyone ever hear my music?
Doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things for I will be dead...
Lunch and then back to the offices of "The Man", an enjoyable trip in a top down, top of the range Merc which, due to the pervading sunshine, resulted in a bronzed bonce for your correspondent...
Late home due to Arbeit piling up on my desk during my absence but, on leaving for home, I am in Urlaub for two weeks - huzzah!
A celebratory Chinese takeaway was scoffed to the background of "Coronation St", two episodes of which sandwiched something called "Airline"...
This last is a prime example of (a) stories scraped from the bottom of a particularly and conspicuously empty barrel and (b) 30 minutes of my and the Exec Producer's lives we'll never get back...
A chat with Count Brodski confirmed he will meet with Dr Prog and I at the Record Fair on Sunday...
Almost two weeks without buying a CD but a wee trip uptown tomorrow beckons...
Upstairs and wrote this and yesterday's entry to the wacky sounds of the latest downloaded Wire compilation, while "Law & Order : Criminal Intent" promised to bring the day to a satisfactory close...
Another excellent episode of our favourite cop show...
Depsite being completely whacked, I proceeded to stay up watching re-runs of "Live at the Apollo" on Dave TV (no relation)...
Highlight of the Day : Being successful - in the wrong way though...
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