Tangerine Dream - Ricochet
Tangerine Dream - Encore
Tangerine Dream - Logos
Tangerine Dream - The Seven Letters From Tibet
Tangerine Dream - Starbound
Tangerine Dream - Silver Siren
Tangerine Dream - Transsiberia
Another month away...

A Spring day...
Soundtracked, initially, by classic live LPs from "the Tangs"...
Was surprised by the second album in the "Encore" set - this must be the first time I've listened to it properly for a long time but it's really got some off the wall stuff on there and is every bit as good as the glorious trio of "Phaedra", "Rubicon" and "Ricochet"...
To FOPP at lunchtime to have a CD replaced due to not realising I had it already - and so Mingus' "Blues and Roots" was replaced with Miles Davis' last LP, "Dingo" - although I've not heard it yet due to another new acquisition...
On the way home, a new camera was purchased - a Nikon S3000 - and I'm getting to grips with it...
It replaces the trusty but goosed Samsung - whose veiwscreen now permanently shows this view...

I think this must be the fifth or sixth compact camera used to document matters here over the last 6 years (happy birthday coming up in 5 days time)...
Back home and the long awaited 10CD Box of late period Tangerine Dream had arrived from Amazon...
With Anne off to keep fit with Lynn, I commenced a marathon listening session and must say I was pleasantly surprised by the distinct lack of expected cheesy pish...
Having now listened to five of the ten discs, I am enjoying what I'm hearing (erm, perhaps apart from the singing on the "Dante" based disc - as with jazz, there is no place for singing on Tangerine Dream music)...
I cooked dinner - the standard chorizo based pasta...

We watched a Tivo'd "Glee" - probably the best episode of the series so far - it actually progressed some storylines...
Capital Models' guitarist, Gus Bolton, uploaded a video clip of Friday's session to Youtube - "Dice With Death"...
...which I enjoyed...
Highlight of the day though, was the ad launched tonight for Cravendale's "filtered" milk (whatever that means) - featuring a man imagining what might happen if cats managed to evolve to the point where they had opposable thumbs...
Meg the Black Cat makes an appearance...
..but has obviously been worn out by the intensive filming schedule...
Late on, the kitchen lights went out - whilst teetering on a small ladder, I carefully removed the glass fitting and replaced the bulb ...
Then, in what seemed like slow motion, as I tried to replace the covering, I saw it slip from my hands and fall past Anne to the floor and smash into smithereens...
Hmm, so that's a wee project for the weekend...
Lights out - almost literally...
Highlight of the Day : Cravendale Cats advert...