David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
David Bowie - Aladdin Sane
David Bowie - Diamond Dogs
Having shelled out recently for glamourous outfits...

...tonight we partied the night away as guests of a Private Bank at the Heart of Midlothian Hall of Fame Induction Dinner...
In the company of Chum Spike and wife Debbie we enjoyed non-stop hospitality...

The Exec Producer did the rounds of many of her Hearts heroes and was the most excited I've seen her in a long time...
Here she is with:-
Csaba Laszlo (Hearts Manager) and Michael Stewart (Team Captain)
Dave Mackay (Hearts Legend)
John Robertson (ditto)
Craig Gordon (Anne's favourite I think - Sunderland and Scotland Goalkeeper)
Andrew Driver (probably the best up and coming young player at Hearts)
Gary Mackay (also a Hearts legend who, coincidentally, went to school with sister-in-law Jane)
Jim Jefferies (ex-Hearts Manager and inductee to the Hall of fame this evening)

Meanwhile your correspondent hung out with some attractive young ladies...
A great night all in all with superb comedy entertainment from footie pundit Tam Cowan and thousands raised for charity...
However, the free booze kind of did for me with the result that I really don't recall much of the final stages of the evening or indeed of getting home (taxi apparently)...
My rather wobbly entry to Crispycat Towers and climb up the stairs was swiftly followed by my rolling and tumbling back down the stairs and ending up in a heap at the bottom, whereupon, luckily uninjured, I fell asleep cuddling the sheepskin rug which lies behind the front door...
Highlight of the Day : The wee Exec Producer's face when she saw all her heroes...
Sounds like a good night. Nice pics. Sure it was a sheepskin rug you had your arms around?
Cheers Stu
Have added a pic of the rug as (kind of) proof...
It does look quite snug!
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