Various - Compilations Jukebox on Shuffleplay
Ryan Adams - Love is Hell pt 2
Acoustic Ladyland - Last Chance Disco
Ryan Adams - Rock'n'Roll
Broken Social Scene - You Forgot It In People
Sonya Kitchell - Words Came Back to Me
Bright Eyes - Lifted
Allison Moorer - The Ultimate Collection
Norman Lamont - CBQ Soundscape
Depeche Mode - Sounds of the Universe
A day spent lazing around - I wrote up the Alice Cooper gig, listened to the CD stash from yesterday and we enjoyed "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" on DVD this afternoon...
Blog buddy Norman Lamont has put a Soundscape Creating Machine up on his blog - and I spent a fair bit of time mucking about with this, creating a 24 minute piece based on his uploaded samples...
Then, to Fife this evening for a Pub Quiz, our team comprising the Exec Producer, her work buddy, Chris-with-a-Ch and your correspondent...
Firstly, to Chris' flat, where we met his new wee cat, Trevor...

To the pub, where we fared quite well considering we were the smallest team - we were pipped into third place due to lack of confidence at our first notion that Catherine Parr was Henry VIII's last wife and the Quizmaster allowing the answer "Roxy Music" for the artist performing the 1976 single "Let's Stick Together" - when everyone knows Roxy disbanded from 1976 to 1979 and it was Bryan Ferry...
That and of course mistakenly thinking that Whoopi Goldberg could ever have won a Miss Tennessee pageant...
Not to worry, home having been entertained, to Meg the Black Cat...
...where "Curb Your Enthusiasm" (the swan killer one), "The Thick of It" and "This Week" ended an interesting evening...
Highlight of the Day : Being the only person in the room who knew "The Cuckoo Waltz" was linked to Laurel and Hardy...
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