Various - CDs Bought this Week on Shuffleplay
Off tonight with Peri Urban for his debut at Out of the Bedroom...
We arrived super early to ensure a slot and found it not yet open...
Around 7, a small group gathered outside the door and a makeshift list of players was drawn up pre-entry...
Jennifer Ewan from last week's gig and her drummer were both there but, for some reason, ended up not playing...
Peri took an early slot at 8:40, with your correspondent opting to take to the stage one hour later, following directly on from the featured act of the night, Arran Arctic...
The club was packed, with so many people wanting to play that all were restricted to just two songs, rather than the usual three...
After tonight, I think Peri has the bug and is in line to return next week...
He sang two songs, rather embarrassingly though, I know the title of neither, but they were both top notch. For the record they were the one about "The Word of Love" and the one about "Uncle James"...
All in all, the quality tonight was higher than I've experienced at OOTB for a long time...
I recognised almost no-one, apart from the guy from Windmill Studios, who now seems to be on the committee, Dave O'Hara on sound and fellow performers Lisa Rigby/Stuart Clark and Susannah McDonald...
I didn't really enjoy our performance as CBQ though - I felt the monitors were too loud and found the sound of the guitars rather overbearing...
I consoled myself with the fact that, as everyone else had sounded fine from out front, we probably did too...
We played two songs, the opener and closer from last week's set, "So Long Kid" and "They Broke The Door Down" having dropped "We Drove" from the proposed three song set...
Despite my worries about the sound, we received an excellent reaction from the crowd, most of whom were late teens, early twenties - we felt very old tonight!
A lift home for the end of "Question Time" was procured by a call to the Exec Producer, who'd been in Fife tonight with workmates, being introduced to Chris-with-a-Ch's new cat, which is called either Ollie or Trevor...
Very annoyingly, "This Week" was cancelled in Scotland due to the Glasgow North East By Election coverage, so we watched tonight's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" on tape pre a 00:30 turn in...
It was the one where Larry ends up dating two women in wheelchairs - very funny indeed...
Highlight of the Day : Peri gets the OOTB bug...
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