Rheostatics – Greatest Hits
Rheostatics - Melville
Rheostatics – Whale Music
Rheostatics – Soundtrack from the Film “Whale Music”
Rheostatics – The Whale Music Concert, 1992
Rheostatics – Introducing Happiness
Rheostatics – Music Inspired by the Group of Seven
Rheostatics – The Blue Hysteria
Rheostatics – The Nightlines Sessions
Rheostatics – The Story of Harmelodia
Rheostatics – Night of the Shooting Stars
Rheostatics – 2067
Scarlatti – Keyboard Sonatas
Debussy – Orchestral Works
The brilliant Rheos soundtracked, inspired by the download of their 1992 concert the other night...
Rain this morning – but I felt like an idiot in my rain jacket later this evening as the weather once more looked like summer...
IT Guru Martin and his lovely wife, Michelle, brought their babies to the offices of the man...
Emilie and Arran were born unfeasibly early and have been in hospital for a goodly number of weeks but now, here they are doing fine and, right now is when they were supposed to have entered the world...
Today, the Exec Producer was uptown obtaining a new look...
...and we met for lunch, a small bowl of pasta and a glass of Rosé each...
We parted with Anne attempting to find something to wear to the upcoming wedding while I nipped into HMV, ostensibly to purchase a disc of Scarlatti keyboard sonatas for £3...
I emerged with a bag containing said disc but also three 4CD box sets of music by Frenchmen Debussy, Ravel and Poulenc...
Tasty but stupid...
In the evening out into town with chums Lynn and Ross to celebrate Ross’s birthday this week...
In a replay of my own celebrations a few weeks ago with Count Brodski and Lady Penny, we met at Thomson’s Bar – and bumped into our old solicitor and bass guitarist chum Alan McLaren – to whose home we are invited for dinner tomorrow night...
After a couple of beers spent in the company of "Michael" the mysterious Irish doctor and his tales of wayward footballers, drunken A&E confrontations and just how far a doctor’s arm can go up someone’s backside...
...we took the short walk to excellent Chinese eaterie, Chop Chop...
Twelve dishes were ordered and consumed over much chat and good times and washed down with more alcohol, Chinese Beer for the boys and French red Wine for the ladies...
Then back to Thomsons for probably too many nightcaps...
A taxi home and to bed around 2am...
A good day...
Highlight of the Day : Carousing with chums...
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