Cloudland Blue Quartet - New Recordings
Alice Cooper - The Eyes of Alice Cooper
Spock's Beard - Spock's Beard
Various Composers - Great Recordings of the Century
8:00 am Up and working on the new album, including two almost complete reworks of already started tracks "He Thinks of You" and "Go Away and Leave Me Here" - they are much better now...
12:00 am Brunch - a home made pizza using ingredients Julia gave us away with us last night - extremely tasty and accompanied by an episode of "Ugly Betty"...
1:00 pm Following exercises on the arm, a run through on guitar of the seven songs worked on so far...
2:00 pm To my mum's for a visit where we are joined by sister Sheila and her grandson Kerr - who didn't utter a single sound the entire time we were there - during the visit, confirmation that nephew Andy (Kerr's dad) will be part of CBQ for the upcoming gig...
5:00 pm To Sainsbury to purchase ingredients to cook a curry for tonight's evening meal...
6:00 pm More exercises on the arm then to work on preparing the curry - my tasks involve much chopping of vegetables and opening and pouring a bottle of excellent Spanish Red Wine. Whilst cooking, we listen to the latest version of the new CBQ recordings. The Executive Producer even sings along with some of them - a good sign!
6:30 While the curry continues to cook on its own, we watch the last episode of "Ugly Betty" we have on tape, halfway through which, dinner is served. It is frankly the best curry ever to have been made at Crispycat Towers....
7:30 Coronation St...
8:00 Write up the blog and surf the net. Checking my e-mails it seems Jim Park may not be able to play with CBQ on 1 March (perhaps he'll still be able to) but that doesn't rule out further appearances by the percussive comedian...
9:30 Finish off on the computer for the day with a couple of purchases from E-Bay (3 more jazz CDs). I listen to the very tasty CD I bought yesterday, a sampler from the series below. On first listening in the car yesterday it promised little, tonight however, it delivers in spades...

Highlight of the Day : Home cooking - what a team...
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