Allan Holdsworth - Leverkusen Jazztag 2010
Dougie McLean - Caledonia
James Jamieson - Precious
Frank Sinatra - You Make Me Feel So Young
Middle of the Road - Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep
The Associates - Party Fears Two
Gene Pitney - 24 Hours from Tulsa
Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the Middle With You
Paolo Nutini - Candy
Alice Cooper - Killer
Rainbow - Rising
Schubert - Piano Sonatas
Today started like any other day - Meg the Black Cat in one her wee places...
Misty on the way into town...
But, at 1:30, met up with Count Brodski, brother-in-law Bobby and the Exec Producer and we drove to Mortonhall Crematorium for Jamie's funeral...
It was due to start at 3 but we got there at around 2:20 to find a substantial crowd already in attendance...
We were joined by Jim Park, his sister Ann (the two other very original Capital Models we recalled) and Karell our chum from college days...
Lynn, Gus, Sandra, George and Paul and Lesley, Nicky Hind's brother Robert and old musicking buddy, Kenny McLeod, not seen for too long soon joined us...
And my and Jamie's current bandmate, nephew Andy - as drummer Keith made his way back across the Atlantic...
Also in the crowd but arriving too late to meet with us were Mitch Mitchell and Creek buddy Craig...
By the time 3 o'clock came it was obvious not everyone in attendance was going to be able to make it inside...
Indeed, various estimates of those having to listen on speakers in the rain put the figure at a couple of hundred at least...
Such was the popularity of my old friend, too soon gone, Mr Jamieson Frain...
A humanist service was directed by the sister of one of Jamie's very good friends...
Eulogies came from Jamie's dad, Sandy and his brother Ian, who had flown in from Australia, as he did two years ago for Jamie's 50th...
A wonderful celebration of a wonderful life indeed, including the playing of Jamie's song "Precious", which we recorded together back in 2004...
Towards the end, a final piece by Jamie's best friend Ian "Joe" Walsh, including stories of their time together and a touching poem to Jamie's family, had us laughing, sobbing and, finally, spontaneously applauding...
Jamie was sent off in his favourite dressing gown and slippers...
He's going to be as comfortable in the future as he was throughout his life...
Such a lovely man who will be long, long remembered by so many, many people...
On the conclusion of the service, we made our way out to the sounds of some of Jamie's favourite tunes, including a couple Andy and I played with him less than 48 hours before he died...
The attendance was so overwhelming that it took a full 40 minutes for us to emerge into the light rain...
Outside, we met briefly with Out of the Bedroom stalwarts Jim Igoe (always a big supporter of Jamie's music), Scott Renton and Tommy Mackay...
Leaving Suzy and the family still shaking the hands of those behind us, we drove over to Tynecastle for the wake, arriving over an hour after the time it ought to have started...
The main function suite was packed...
..and there were various mementos of Jamie's life on display, including both funny and touching slide shows and photographs...
Due to the late start and an incoming meeting, we moved on to a smaller suite around six thirty for another hour so...
I discovered that Jamie's dad has been reading this recently and so took a pic which I promised to upload...
Here you are Sandy...
..and here's one of part of the second suite - with chums George, Paul and Jim - and to the right Jamie's mum, Helen...
Just before we left, I had a nice heartwarming chat with Jamie's wife Suzy, who, along with the kids, Madison and Conrad had been magnificent all day, as were Jamie's parents and his siblings Alan, Ian and Esme...
I must admit to having a bit of a "moment" as we bade farewell to Suzy...
A very emotional day...
I will miss Jamie...
Highlight of the Day : A wonderful celebration of a wonderful life...
Sounds like a great send off David. Sorry i couldn't make it. Hope to meet up soon.
Thanks for sharing this, glad that it went well and that Jamie and the family were duly honoured. Sorry we couldn't make it either but the impact on all of the loss of Jamie was very much in our thoughts.
Hi Dave, back in Oz and making a second attempt to post a comment on your fantastic blog...hope this one works! Your comments regarding my brother have been very touching. You were a big influence in his life and I know that the feelings were mutual. Apologies again for not being able to involve you in the pall bearing duties as intended but the Funeral Director curtailed numbers. I was also so glad that Conrad came forward to play a part. Last Thursday was extremely emotional and quite overwhelming to witness the turnout for Jamie. He had a rare talent for mixing and maintaining ties with, a wide network of friends as well as being a genuine all round good guy. I have nothing but good memories of Jamie that include being a Capital Models 'groupie' for gigs at the Netherbow. Incidentally, went past the venue while travelling through town and it seems to be just a cafe now...shame. Anyway, sorry that we did not manage to chat at the Tynecastle suite. Look forward to further adventures via your blog. Cheers Ian
Hi Dave, take 3! Having real problems posting comments - I will try the anon route as suggested. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts via your blog. Your comments regarding my brother have been very touching. Jamie was a very special guy. The turnout last Thursday was testament to someone who touched everyone he met...and that network was pretty wide! My apologies regarding pall bearing duties but the Funeral Director curtailed numbers. It was also pleasing that Conrad played a part; his dad would have been very proud. I have only good memories of Jamie that include the exciting world of band practices and 'groupie' duties. I will miss him so much. You were a big influence on Jamie and I know that you will miss him too. Looking forward to your next instalment!
Cheers Ian
Hi Ian
Your comment made it through...
Thanks for your kind words...
I've activated my facebook page in light of the gathering. Jamie was always on at me to do it so I've done it now and let's see how much of my time that takes up!
Best to you and your family
PS No worries re the pallbearing - I would have been proud to do it but those who took the strain were six top men - including of course Conrad - stepping up to the plate and doing his dad (and mum) proud...
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