Cloudland Blue Quartet – Starlightnight
Bryan Adams – An Anthology
Various – Where The Action is : LA Nuggets 1965-68
Andrew Hill – Mosaic Select
Up early and delivering CDs...
Breakfast at Florentine with Anne...

A Bryan Adams anthology from the Capability shop...
More delivering...
To the library to meet with Dr Prog...

Stuff borrowed included Sigur Ros, Radiohead, Gwilym Simcock, The Orb and a collection of music from LA in the mid sixties...
Lunch and chat with the Doc...
Home for a quick turnaround to Tynecastle to see Hearts beat St Johnstomne 2-0 in the first game of the season...

In Dumfries, Queen of the South scored three goals in the last seven minutes to put Count Brodski’s Alloa out of the League Cup 5-2...
Home for a quick turnaround to The Balmoral for the reception of chum Kris-with-a-K’s wedding to Monica which took place this afternoon at St Mary's RC Cathedral...
Also in attendance, Debbie, Spike, Bernardo and Baz...

The groom of course, being held up by Spike as Debbie looked on...

Your correspondent, pinkie strategically aloft...

The dolled up to the nines all day guests...

Kevin, Kathryn, Spike, JY Johnny and the lovely bride...

The groom of course, now doing press ups on the dance floor...

The Exec Producer, looking very lovely indeed with Spike and Debbie...

Kevin and Kathryn again...

The groom, giving us the thumbs up about something or other...

Caroline, pregnant with second child, chatting with KJT...

Frances, flanked by husband JY Johnny and Debbie, while Spike texted an absent Wheelers re how great Hearts are and how rubbish Hibs are...

The bride's parents...

..and the happy couple...

...raised aloft by their chums...

A good time was had by all...
Out for the bus at midnight, witnessing the Tattoo Fireworks...

Over an hour later, finally back home via a tardy bus...

A busy, enjoyable day...
Highlight of the Day : Seeing my wee chum Kris-with-a-K starting out on a new life...
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