Soft Machine – Out-Bloody-Rageous
David Guetta – Nothing But the Beat
Tyler Rix - Ascent
David Bowie – Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo OST
David Bowie – Baal
Brian Eno – Apollo
Colin Blunstone – Some Years
A walk of the 1.1 miles to the zoo first thing for the bus...

A protest to free Pussy Riot headed to the Russian consulate, escorted by the boys in blue - in their car...

A further 6CD set ordered for a donation...
At lunch time, a chance encounter with a Record Fair resulted in the purchase of an album by one Tyler Rix (on the strength of its cover and the inclusion of an Eno cover) from the jazz section...
Turns out he's a sax playing classical music reality show contestant and this album made number one in the classical charts...
Despite that, it's actually quite good - certainly better than Jan Garbarek's classical crossover attempts (IMHO)...
Drinks in the late afternoon with chums Kris-with-a-K (back from honeymoon), Bernie, Spike, Paula and Christine...

...under good skies...

Back home, after a tasty Indian (fasted yesterday), I took a chance and stuck my hand into the plastic sleeved burned CDs...
I pulled out a David Bowie soundtrack and played it...
Which led me to his biography "Strange Fascination" and a reminder he once hosted a two hour show on Radio 1 (1979)...

...of course the playlist is right there on the net - which led me to spend some time reading about the maestro...
Later, "Vexed" was enjoyed on Tivo...
Back at the PC, stumbled across an excellent music review blog with some great lists (I love a list) called "Don't Stay Up Too Late" - which was exactly what Anne said as she headed off to the land of nod...
I have recently ordered some music from t'internet - two by Gentle Giant and, tonight, following a spin by a track on the blog above, The Zombies...
Lights out...
Highlight of the Day : Stumbling across stuff...
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