Neil Young - For the Turntables
The Beatles - 1967-1970
Eagles - Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975
Alanis Morissette - Jagged Little Pill
Bob Dylan - Masterpieces
Joni Mitchell - Ladies of the Canyon
Coldplay - Viva La Vida
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Covers
Stratovarius - Elysium
July gone...

Slept late...
Started the search for suitable cover versions to play at Jamie's gig next Saturday...
My available learning/rehearsal time is restricted...
Drew up an initial shortlist which included Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Joni Mitchell and Alanis Morissette...
This was pronounced too downbeat by the Exec Producer and so a more upbeat Eagles song was added...
As Anne bowed out of the project, more songs were added (which will probably be deemed too downbeat too LOL), a couple by Neil Young, another Dylan song and one by Coldplay..
Anyway, while Anne was out watching Hearts lose to Dundee Utd in their first home match of the season, I made a quick recording...

By way of mitigation for any horrors included here, these are virtually my first run throughs of these nine songs, recorded live with no second takes...
Thereafter, listened back while I brought the diary completely up to date...
Like a Hurricane (Neil Young)
Love Minus Zero - No Limit (Bob Dylan)
The Ballad of John & Yoko (The Beatles)
Big Yellow Taxi (Joni Mitchell)
Viva La Vida (Coldplay)
Hand in My Pocket (Alnis Morissette)
Take It Easy (Eagles)
The Times They Are A-Changin' (Bob Dylan)
Rockin' in the Free World (Neil Young)
All sent to Jamie for an opinion...
In the evening, post a tasty chinese meal, some catch up on the Tivo with the opening episode of "The Hour" - why was anyone comparing this with "Mad Men"? There's more to this it seems than just the creation of a news programe...
A Tivo'd episode of "Law & Order UK" was followed by tonight's episode then more music stuff till the end of the day...
Productive, sort of...
Highlight of the Day : Learning new songs...