Muse – Absolution
The National – Boxers
Donald Byrd – Slow Drag
Fred Schneider – Just...Fred
JS Bach – Goldberg Variations
JS Bach – Die Kunst der Fuge
A miserable day today, both weather-wise (drizzling all day) and generally, what with everything that’s going down (literally) in the world’s financial markets...
At home, things were lifted by Anne’s excellent mozzarella and pesto chicken breast with salad...
Tried for some time (without success) to find out why videos on the Hearts website won’t play on our PC (or, infuriatingly, will sometimes play just once and never again)...
A visit to PC World beckons...
Wrote up more of the holiday and posted the entry I’ve been holding for a couple of days as Blogger is interfering with posting up individual pics – I’ve resorted to posting a single collage instead...
Caught up with Robert Fripp’s diary re the recent King Crimson dates in the USA – his analysis of some audience members’ behaviour and expectations is in line with my own thinking and why I loathe live music concerts these days...
Looking forward to Allan Holdsworth in Glasgow next week nonetheless and the mighty Uriah Heep in November...
Played a couple of songs again instead of sitting in front of the PC or TV all night...
Then enjoyed some records (including the first ever play for a CD by Fred Schneider of ther B52s which I bought in New York in April 1999) finishing off with Glenn Gould’s 1955 recording of JS Bach’s “Goldberg Variations”...

Very tasty...
Lights Out with Bach’s “Die Kust der Fuge“ (String Quartet version) on the cans...
Highlight of the Day : Anne’s cooking...
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