Tuesday, April 07, 2020

No good big moon but good afternoon light...

Yes - Tales From Topographic Oceans
Yes - The Yes Album
Yes - Talk
Yes - Open Your Eyes
Yes - Magnification
Yes - Union
Yes - The Ladder
Yes - Drama
Yes - Relayer
Yes - Big Generator
Yes - Tormato
Yes - 90125
Yes - Heaven & Earth
Yes - Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
The Olympic Symphonium - More in Sorrow Than in Anger
Orka - Leipzig
Stacie Orrico - Stacie Orrico
Philippe Petit & Friends - Cordophony
Ford Pier - Meconium
Portico - First Neighbours
Post - Cavalcade
Suzi Quatro - The Wild One: The Greatest Hits
Queen - Live Magic
Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime II
Quiet Sun - Mainstream
Sombre Reptiles - Poppies
Capital Models - 2020-03-10
Mozart - The Singles
Norah Jones - Little Broken Hearts
Vivaldi - The Four Seasons
The Cure - Japanese Whispers
Wire - Pink Flag
Uriah Heep - Magician's Birthday
Capital Models - 2020-03-10
Recoil - Liquid

A big moon today but my "big" camera was not suitably charged and refused to fire up...

Oh well...

The beardy beast...

...was up early...

...and these were the views...

Breakfast banana...

...and lunchtime soup...

...plus more banana...

In the late afternoon I sat in a seldom sat in seat and enjoyed the light on Anne's painting station...

..as she prepped the evening meal...

Some pics with the "big" camera once it had been charged - no big moon though...

and, finally, the station in B&W was deemed pretty good...

Which reminds that the viewing of "Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 9" continued...

And a poor show on "University Challenge" as Mr Wang made it to the final...

Highlight of the Day : Late afternoon light...

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