Cloudland Blue Quartet - Anthology : Rubinmusik 1977-2016
UK - Final World Tour 2015 Setlist
Udo Lindenberg - Ich mach mein Ding - Die Show
Various - Annette Humpe: Zeitgeschichte - Das Beste von und für Annette Humpe
Awoke to an absolute nightmare scenario...
The UK had voted to leave the EU...
Or rather, around a third of the electorate in the UK - you know, the third with no idea of economics, had been hoodwinked by the leave campaign (who were already, this morning, reneging on their "campaign promises" made to our utterly thick compatriots) into voting to leave the EU...
All my fellow Scots who voted "yes" in September 2014 will now get a chance to see how a stupid outcome in a referendum affects a comparatively strong economy, never mind the piece of shit the SNP had in store for us had they won...
Things could not be any more grim...
Reflected in the overcast and rainy morning weather...
Out for breakfast and then a mope around post leaving the apartment for the last time...
Bag stored at the Hauptbahnhof...
Then, to the not yet open and so not actually visited, Diechtorhallen art complexes, down by the river...
...close to der Spiegel...
...and ZDF...
The maritime museum...
..and into the U-Bahn for the short trip to Landungsbruecke...
...for another boat trip, which we'd been promising ourselves to take all week...
Out along the Elbe...
...and the weather picked up but, really, nothing could lighten our mood...
...and back towards the city...
..back on land and then a last look around Sternschanzen...
...and some lunch...
...and a walk passed the TV Tower...
Back to the Hauptbahnhof to pick up our bag and catch the train to the airport...
This time we did not visit Barmbek...
We arrived at the airport around 3:30 pm...
...a little early for our 6:15 flight but what the heck...
Unfortunately, it turned out our plane had been delayed at various points during the day - then, Hamburg Airport was closed, due to a massive downpour and thunderstorm...
We finally boarded around 9:30 pm...
...but that wasn't the end of it...
Our fellow passengers had to be transported to the plane, which lay as far from the terminal as you could imagine, via three trips by the same bus...
Then a couple of passengers opted not to fly as they'd miss their connections...
Jeez oh...

So every single case on board had to be identified and linked to a remaining passenger before we finally took off, around 10:35pm, for the ninety minute flight back to a, sadly, much changed United Kingdom...
Back home at midnight, having walked up the hill just before another massive downpour started - the storms were following us...
What an utterly dreadful end to a great trip...
I cannot believe the complete and utter stupidity that has somehow been allowed to happen...
Lowlight of the Day : So called democracy - or, as I like to call it, completely and utterly unbelievable total fuckwittery...cubed......
Awoke to an absolute nightmare scenario...
The UK had voted to leave the EU...
Or rather, around a third of the electorate in the UK - you know, the third with no idea of economics, had been hoodwinked by the leave campaign (who were already, this morning, reneging on their "campaign promises" made to our utterly thick compatriots) into voting to leave the EU...
All my fellow Scots who voted "yes" in September 2014 will now get a chance to see how a stupid outcome in a referendum affects a comparatively strong economy, never mind the piece of shit the SNP had in store for us had they won...
Things could not be any more grim...
Reflected in the overcast and rainy morning weather...
Out for breakfast and then a mope around post leaving the apartment for the last time...
Bag stored at the Hauptbahnhof...
Then, to the not yet open and so not actually visited, Diechtorhallen art complexes, down by the river...
...close to der Spiegel...
...and ZDF...
The maritime museum...
..and into the U-Bahn for the short trip to Landungsbruecke...
...for another boat trip, which we'd been promising ourselves to take all week...
Out along the Elbe...
...and the weather picked up but, really, nothing could lighten our mood...
...and back towards the city...
..back on land and then a last look around Sternschanzen...
...and some lunch...
...and a walk passed the TV Tower... the Pflanzen und Blomen park, another long promised treat of the week - our last in fact...
Back to the Hauptbahnhof to pick up our bag and catch the train to the airport...
This time we did not visit Barmbek...
...but we were accompanied by a young man inspecting a gun catalogue - weird...
We arrived at the airport around 3:30 pm...
...a little early for our 6:15 flight but what the heck...
Unfortunately, it turned out our plane had been delayed at various points during the day - then, Hamburg Airport was closed, due to a massive downpour and thunderstorm...
We finally boarded around 9:30 pm...
...but that wasn't the end of it...
Our fellow passengers had to be transported to the plane, which lay as far from the terminal as you could imagine, via three trips by the same bus...
Then a couple of passengers opted not to fly as they'd miss their connections...
Jeez oh...
So every single case on board had to be identified and linked to a remaining passenger before we finally took off, around 10:35pm, for the ninety minute flight back to a, sadly, much changed United Kingdom...
Back home at midnight, having walked up the hill just before another massive downpour started - the storms were following us...
What an utterly dreadful end to a great trip...
I cannot believe the complete and utter stupidity that has somehow been allowed to happen...
Lowlight of the Day : So called democracy - or, as I like to call it, completely and utterly unbelievable total fuckwittery...cubed......
I guess you didn't like the result? Tragedy and B..... Boris has backed off. It's all his fault, I reckon. I thought he was some kind of genius?
Correct re your first point. Boris is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a genius...
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