Friday, May 10, 2013

Wind, sand and stars...

Jason Lytle - The Dept. of Disappearance
Lou Reed & Metallica - Lulu
Depeche Mode - Delta Machine
Francoise Hardy - L'Amour Fou
Sumner McKane - Select Visual History
Ke$ha - Warrior
Brian Eno - Here Come the Warm Jets
Man Parrish - Man Parrish
Muse - The 2nd Law
The Rolling Stones - Exile on Main Street
Thomas Koner - La Barca
Nilsson - Nilsson Schmilsson
Kat McKenzie - Demos

The tulips are wilting - but this pose is enjoyed by the Exec Producer and so it is recorded for posterity...

Out into the May sunshine once more...

Unknown attractive flowers recorded...

And, today, no grey skies at the cathedral...

..and the sky became more blue...

Back home, Meg the Black Cat had an adventure...

The men came to finish off the slab work in the back garden...

...the noise of which, re slab cutting, scared the wee loveable beastie away for almost three hours...

A worrying time...

Until relief at the sound of the catflap being heard...

Also today, for a wee change, a book popped through the letter box - Antoine de St Exupery's "Wind, Sand and Stars", a translation of "Terre des Hommes", purchased in Lille...

I must confess to having ordered translations of the other two French purchases too...

Still a question mark over whether any will ever be read...

In the evening, rehearsing with the rehearsal tapes one last time and some note-taking re the guitar parts for tomorrow...

This in between some telly watching with "Have I Got News For You" and "Not Going Out"...

Highlight of the Day : Return of the Pie...

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