Thursday, May 09, 2013

Sonnenschein and spires under grey...

King Crimson - A Young Person's Guide to King Crimson

50th birthday today of my good old German chum Herr Jorg Sonnenschein...

He was just 17 when I first met him in the late summer of 1980...

Soundtracked by the mightly Crim and out into the sun...

A little overcast as I approached the cathedral...

In the evening, round to Keith's for our last rehearsal before Kat "lays down" the piano tomorrow and Keith and I head into the studio on Saturday...

I took bass and guitar, not having played the latter with my colleagues for some considerable time...

A few glitches were sorted out and things are looking and sounding fine...

Home to watch "Big Bang Theory" and catch the end of "Question Time" followed by "This Week", giving up halfway through...

Highlight of the Day : Final rehearsal with the "band"...

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