Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mirrors that must surely be lying...

Cloudland Blue Quartet - Before Aftersilence
Lee Morgan - The Procrastinor
Lee Morgan - Cornbread
Lee Morgan - Delightful-Lee

A day off from music work and a lovely day too...

...first thing anyway...

By the time I was driving to the gym - yes, the beast returns - the rain was pelting down...

I'm pretty sure the mirrors in my gym do not give a true reflection on matters...

There's no way I'm as fat as I looked - they must be like that so that I keep going...

Soundtracked my "routine" with Lee Morgan's 1967 session, "The Procrastinator" - attention to it having been drawn earlier in the evening whilst reading The Bad Plus blog, "Do the Math"...

"CSI" and "Spiral" entertained before hitting the sack with another couple of Mr Morgan's works...

Highlight of the Day : Return to the gym...

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