Cloudland Blue Quartet - Starlightnight
Cloudland Blue Quartet - The Drone Effect (Remix)
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Remake/Remodel EP
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Starlightnight Live Version
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Abandoned Souvenir
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Starlightnight Early Demos Version
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Acoustic Anthology
Moby - Hotel/Hotel : Ambient
Iron & Wine - Kiss Each Other Clean
To the far end of George Street this morning...

...and to nearby Fopp at lunchtime...
Soundtracked by proposed material for the "Starlightnight" release...
Two 2nd hand titles purchased for just £2 each - Fopp's deal is they buy these for £1 and sell for £2 so 100% profit - fair enough...
And so a Moby 2CD box, of which I already had a burn and a catchy wee Iron & Wine CD entered the collection...
Opportunistic seagulls once more in Rose St...

Is there any other kind of seagull?
Legal work on sister Pam's estate continues apace - I have no idea how much all this is costing...
I suspect it will be considerable...
But much to be fixed...
Such are things when a loved one dies and stuff needs sorted out...
Another trip to England is on the cards...
Back home a card from the postie signals two items to be collected - I suspect these will be the CDs for the upcoming release and. possibly, the boxes for the special editions of same...
In the evening, no football but the last episode of the excellent "Silk" very muchly entertained your correspondent, his Exec Producer and the wee black cat who owns them (even though she appeared to be asleep)...
Some listening then off to bed...
Highligth of the Day : Silk - sorry it's ended...
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