Madredeus - Metafonia
Wilco - A Ghost is Born
David Guetta - One Love
Joni Mitchell - Mingus
David Guetta - Pop Life
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Before Aftersilence 1977-1996
Up and working...
An idea for part of the Starlightnight package...
Two CDs of music which predates the start of CBQ in 1996 from when I was Sombre Reptiles and the Heavenly Music Corporation...
First draft of disc one in the car as we set off out and uptown...

A call to Dr Prog and, post picking up Bad Plus tickets at the Hub...

...and some shopping for nice things by the Exec Producer...

...we met up with the Doc at the library...

Two Genesis box sets and a variety of other CDs borrowed, when I wasn't even intending on going to the library...
To nearby Cafe Florentine for lunch and a natter re music and football...

Then, back home for more work and some listeneing to discs purchased yesterday at HMV's new 2nd hand CDs for £2 section - same as Fopp...
Wilco, Joni and two David Guettas...
In the evening, watched a bit of Portugal v Czech Republic before retiring for more work...
Late on, more episodes of "Spiral"...
Highlight of the Day : Lunch with chums...
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