Various – Albums Listed in the Mojo Collection 1946-2003
Mahavishnu Project – Phase 2
Schnittke – Complete String Quartets
Mondays eh?
Rubbish mostly...
Little time today to listen to my latest playlist based on the albums I have which are featured in the “Mojo Collection”, a recommended reference book of subjectively “good” LPs from 1946 to 2003, totally unrated other than being included of course; and listed, rather tastily, in a purely chronological fashion...
So, yes, rubbish mostly...
Mind you, I was on fire for tonight’s “University Challenge”...
Stumbled across a Mahavishnu Orchestra related release in my German Chum’s MP3 player (of which he kindly gave me a copy last year when he visited) whilst trawling through the external hard drives...
Reading a review on Amazon led me to the string quartets of Arnold Schoenberg...
Whilst obtaining the set for a listen, I noticed they nestled next to Alfred Schnittke’s Complete Quartets...
And so a rubbish day turned to delight with the hard going/difficult sound of Mr S’s strings in my lugs and a nice cup of tea and a hob-nob (eaten pre pic-take)...
Ended the day with the film "Rock Star", loosely based on the Judas Priest scenario where a major rock group plucks the singer of a tribute band from obscurity to be their replacement singer - a bit like the current situation at Yes headquarters - although I doubt the boys from Yes partake of such wanton hedonism as was depicted in the film...
Not bad - not great though - rubbish mostly...
Highlight of the Day : Music by chance...
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