Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Once again, winning isn't everything...

Billy Childs - The Winds of Change
Lou Reed - Rock'n'Roll Animal
Lou Reed - Lou Reed Live
Lou Reed - Lou Reed (RM)
Pascal Le Boeuf - Ritual Being
Olivia Rodrigo - GUTS
Beatriz Nunes - Livro de Horas
Hein Westgard Trio - First as Farce
Speaker Music - Techxodus
Speaker Music - Black Nationalist Sonic Weaponry
Uriah Heep - Sweet Freedom
Gaika - Drift
Bushman's Revenge - All the Better For Seeing You
Alice Cooper - Road

Wednesday - I think it may have been today that I decided, once again to delete all the music from my phone (256GB) and start again, going back from now, loading everything acquired until it's full again... Then new stuff will knock out older stuff as I go forward...


Luna is still with us - Gillian and Oliver have had to stay on in Florida  little longer than expected...

At lunchtime, Luna helped re over cleaning...

..before finding a new wee spot in the old basket...

Tonight, football in the pouring rain - just the way I like it...

Another loss but I am still near the top of the table...

Home to Anne and a sleepy Luna (for a change)...

Some listening with my most recent buds - nice...

To bed around midnight...

Highlight of the Day : Footballing despite losing...

Today's New Music:-

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