Tuesday, February 18, 2014

15 nanoseconds of fame...

Various - iPod Shuffleplay

In the inbox this morning, an e-mail from a US TV company which makes a talk show type thing, hosted by moustachioed and almost completely unknown in the UK comedian, Steve Harvey....

"For an episode of the Steve Harvey show taping Tuesday, February 18, 2014 we are interested in using your black cat photo from your September 29, 2011 blog post. This image was recently used in a Buzzfeed posting regarding items that look like Steve Harvey's mustache...

We would like to use the image in our "Ask Steve" when an in-studio guest asks Steve if he's seen the Buzzfeed article and if he knows why people are obsessed with his mustache.

Thank you very much with this request, please let me know if this usage is permissible.  I look forward to hearing from you."

Fame at last for Meg the Black Cat?

Kind of...

At lunchtime, a look at some guitars re the upcoming Capital Models gig - at which I may be playing guitar...

Back home, tasty soup was the order of the evening...

As is now the usual Tuesday night scenario, "Death in Paradise" and Vic & Bob's "House of Fools" entertained...

Highlight of the Day : Meg on TV...

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