Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Man Who Forgets Far Too Easily (pt 2)

Anne is always amazed at the things I can remember. For instance, at Keith and Maureen's on Saturday, it emerged that Maureen's eldest daughter, Rebecca (15), is going to Bavaria on a school trip soon. It appears she'll be visiting Konigsee and Salzburg, just as I did in on a school trip in 1974. As part of the deal Rebecca will have to keep a diary and I piped up with the fact that I'd had to keep a diary too. I was able to remember that I used the record tokens I received for successfully keeping a diary, to purchase the first two Cockney Rebel albums, "The Human Menagerie" and "The Psychomodo" on the same day in August 1974. I can remember things from way back, granted usually connected to music, like first hearing the Beatles in 1963 when "I Want To Hold Your Hand" was playing at a Christmas Party.

So, if I can remember those things, how come, when I make arrangements to attend further sessions on Ian Sclater's CD (which we started today) over the next two Sundays, I forget that I've promised to take my mum to visit her friends in Glasgow next Sunday and that the week after that Anne and I have tickets to see Hearts no doubt being well and truly slaughtered by the unfortunately mighty Glasgow Celtic at Hampden in the Scottish FA Cup Semi-Final?

The session today at Ian Sclater's house went well and we managed to get the first tracks down for at least three songs and have the basics for another two or three too. Ian's friend, Ian Pettigrew, was playing guitar. It turns out he knows Alan Brodie, my oldest and bestest friend (erm who I haven't actually seen since we went to see The Tubes playing in Glasgow at the start of December - due to his having gone all girlfriendy on me since "taking up" with a lovely young lady who lives in Dundee). Ian knows Alan through having worked with Alan's brother and through having been Alan's neighbour in the early 80's. Turns out also that Ian Sclater's sister is married to someone I know. Small world.

How come when I walk into a room to do something, I often forget what it is I came to do?

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