“This Is All There Is pt 2” from “Callingstill” (1997)
Tomorrow - Tomorrow
Family - Music In A Doll's House
The Pretty Things - S. F. Sorrow
Family – Entertainment
Tony Williams - Emergency!
Van Der Graaf Generator - The Aerosol Grey Machine
Frank Zappa - Hot Rats
Kevin Ayers - Joy Of A Toy
Deep Purple - Concerto For Group And Orchestra
Atomic Rooster - Atomic Rooster
Quatermass - Quatermass May, 1970 3.
Can - Monster Movie
The Pretty Things - Parachute
Barclay James Harvest - Barclay James Harvest
Traffic - John Barleycorn Must Die
The Velvet Underground – April 1966 Session Acetate
Canadian Electronic Ensemble – 1st Album
Creek – Tarnished
Oliver Nelson with Eric Dolphy – Straight Ahead
Alice Cooper – Welcome 2 My Nightmare
Camille – Le Sac des Filles
Camille – Music Hole
Capital Models – 2011 Session No 4
Cyne – Wasteland Vol 1 : Killmore
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Starlightnight Live Set 21/1/12
Kluster and Friends - 1969-1973 6xLP Box Set
The 42nd day of the year (already) and so, the last track from “Callingstill” is track of the day today – tomorrow’s track will move forward into 1999 and “Doveloveshawk”...
Is anyone actually listening to these?
Up at a more reasonable 7am and discovered some tasty 70’s electronic music by the Canadian Electronic Ensemble – along with some rare recordings by The Velvet Underground and Kluster...
Meg the Black Cat was impressed...
Kind of...

Rewiped the latest 60GB Jukebox and started the upload of all the albums downloaded in recent times...
Whilst this carried on, off we went out for breakfast to Pattisserie Florentin...
And to the nearby market...

...and to the newish Stockbridge record shop, Voxbox, chatting with the owner while Anne took advantage of the thoughtfully-provided-for-bored-ladies comfy armchair...
Bought an Oliver Nelson CD and a Marc Almond DVD....
Over to PC World and a new machine bought for Anne – we will try to have the netbook repaired but this seemed a good course of action given its goosed nature twice now within the last couple of weeks...
Back home and set up in a few minutes...
Of course we didn’t check that videos on the Hearts website won’t run on an I Pad...

Not to worry...
At last a rehearsal for the gig on 3 March....
A bit rusty...
As ever, self doubt reigns...
Leaving Anne watching Scotland take another doing at rugby (it’s not soccer so doesn’t really matter, not that soccer really matters of course), I returned to Tesco, armed with the recipe for a tasty (hopefully) chicken and broccoli casserole thing...
Ingredients were duly purchased...

...and prepping was done....

We watched “Borgen” while the concoction cooked in the oven...

The casserole was deemed a success...

Later on, some listening to Camille, a French lady recommended last night by Julia and three weeks ago by French living chum and husband of Lindsay, Guy...
Some hip hop too from Florida-based CYNE – which, around 8 minutes in on the second “song”, rather unnervingly, included a sample of the mighty Gentle Giant...
Is there no end to the music you listen to Mr CBQ?
Erm, no...
Well, there was for CYNE - I just find that type of music very boring after a while...
Replaced it with a listen back to the upcoming proposed live set by your correspondent...
Lights out...
Highlight of the Day : New machine for the Exec Producer...
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