Eleventh House - Introducing
Eleventh House - Level One
Passport - Control
Porcupine Tree - The Incident
Miles Davis - ESP
How had I never heard of Larry Coryell's Eleventh House before a couple of weeks ago?
Cracking fusion...
Watched a wee bit of "Coronation St" tonight but managed not to get pulled in...
Tasty pasta for tea from the Exec Producer, sans recipe...
"University Challenge" saw the team who thrashed Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago, themselves thrashed...
I was not on fire...
In the half hour between the end of this and the start of "Law & Order : UK", I ensured the newly created list of CDs was up to date with all recent acquisitions...
Tonight's Tivo'd "Glee" followed "Law & Order" and continued on its entertaining run...
A snatch of "Newsnight" and the frankly dreadful "Newsnight Scotland" then bed with Miles on the headphones...
Simple as that...
Highlight of the Day : Anne's tasty chorizo and creme fraiche pasta...
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