Jethro Tull – The Best of Jethro Tull: Anniversary Collection
Golden Earring - 60 Minute Playlist
Various – Recent Albums
Cloudland Blue Quartet – Soundingfall
Various – Recent Acquisitions Jukebox on Shuffleplay
The Bad Plus – New Year’s Eve at the Village Vanguard
Thelonius Monk – Genius of Modern Music Vol 1
Bud Powell – The Amazing Bud Powell Vol 1
Thelonius Monk – Genius of Modern Music Vol 2
J J Johnson – The Eminent J J Johnson Vol 1
Art Blakey – A Night at Birdland Vol 2
J J Johnson – The Eminent J J Johnson Vol 2
Art Blakey – The Jazz Messengers at the Café Bohemia Vols 1 & 2
Horace Silver - Six Pieces of Silver
Sonny Rollins - Volume 2
Bud Powell - The Amazing Bud Powell Vol 3 : Bud!
Another month draws to a close...

Up early, as ever on a Sunday, and listening again to Jethro Tull following last night’s kitchen session...
To the gym at nine and another five miles under the belt...
Waistline yet to recede to any extent of course but this is long term...
To Patisserie Florentin for a croissant (a small one!) and coffee with Anne – on exiting, we bumped into old five-a-side footballing buddy and DJ/Owner of the Messenger Soundsystem – a reggae night which has been a staple of the Edinburgh scene for over twenty years now – Mr Steve Gearty...

Good to catch up with Steve – not seen him for ages...
Dr Prog and I really ought to get along to his club one night...
As Anne headed over to Fife for today’s Old Firm Derby at Chris-with-a-ch’s place with eight other chums of varying footballing persuasions, I walked up into town...
Rangers won 1-0 with a goal in the 93rd minute after Celtic had had a man sent off, probably mistakenly – but that’s football...
Meanwhile, at FOPP, I’m afraid to say I went a bit mad on the old CD front (and that’s putting it lightly)...
I’d gone with the intention of picking up a few of their £3 Jethro Tull CDs – and these were in my hand as I made my way upstairs – only to find a huge selection of Blue Note CDs, also at £3...
Given the “get-em-while-u-can” nature of much of what FOPP stocks, and the fact that these discs are often priced at £7 and above - e.g. I paid £9 last week for a Grachan Moncur III CD - I soon had an enormous pile of CDs selected from the display...
Thirty four* Blue Note CDs to be exact (plus seven by Jethro Tull)...
I must be mad but I didn’t put any of them back – just took them to the counter, swallowed hard and paid...
Home by around 1:30 pm, I spent the rest of the afternoon and a good part of the evening listening to some tasty jazz while I ripped them all to the hard drive for transferring to one of the jukeboxes, on which, space will have to be made...
So, now I MUST NOT BUY ANY CDs IN MARCH (I've just checked - I have now acquired 1,818 CDs since I started this blog on 5 March 2005 - that's just a handful away from one CD every single day for five years)...
And I have a couple more on their way to me but, other than those, there will be no new purchases (I would hope) until at least 1 April (of course I may burn some downloads)...
I am mad...
An interesting set of links from old chum Paul Prog Reynolds pointed me this evening towards the "Paul Green School of Rock All Stars" on Youtube - wow...
Try this if you like King Crimson - "One More Red Nightmare"...
Highlight of the Day : Blue Note Blowout...
*of course I have one of them already (but it wasn’t on my “list of Blue Note CDs I Own” which I carry around with me)...