Laura Pausini - 20: The Greatest Hits
King Curtis - Instant Groove
Sandy Nelson - Manhattan Spiritual
Fripp & Eno - Evening Star
Cloudland Blue Quartet - Disquietmusik II
Haydn - Seven Last Words of our Saviour on the Cross, op 51
Haydn - String Quartets (Complete)
Once again, good views this morning, as room-mate Raymondo went out running...
A tasty bespoke omelette...
...then, a lift from post run Raymondo to nearby Marbella for a bus up the coast...
Meanwhile, while Gaz sunbathed, the rest of the guys were off for a round of golf... honour of dearly departed chum Lodger, seen here last year on the left in the fetching pink shorts...
I arrived in Malaga around midday...
A walk to nearby...
...for a browse around their music department...
...noting that, in the mid 70’s, Wings were bigger than the Beatles, as Macca’s setlist from 1976 testifies....
He was looking forward then, as opposed to backward now... nearby El Corte Ingles and their music dept, where this was acquired for just 5 of your European Euros...
Then, a walk to the old town...
...soon finding myself at the market hall...
...where some refreshment was partaken of...
...followed by a walk to where Anne and I stayed when we visited last year...
...and the small book and record shop there - nothing in which enticed...
I returned too to one of our haunts for the (possibly too many) anchovies which had so impressed last year...
Soon there was one...
The man at the next table left these indecipherable notes behind...
To Kitty's donut shop...
Bought this to bring back for her...
Walking on...
Walking on...
At the old amphitheatre...
...the cats were still hanging around...
A call from Raymondo meant it was time to head back, so I started the walk back to the bus station...
A 40 minute wait ensued but the journey back was 45 minutes faster than that this morning...
Home to the hotel cat...
...and drinks with chums...
...including last night's singers...
A walk along the front... an Indian restaurant run by a couple form Oldham...
Tasty bahjees were followed by a lamb kahari...
At the end of the night, the lady of the house insisted on showing us how to drink wine from the wrong side of the glass...
...and Raymondo accepted the challenge...
Post meal, Mr R and I made our way home, leaving the others to carouse...
A good day...
Highlight of ht Day : Trip to Malaga...
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