Sunday, October 05, 2014

Called into action...

Genesis - Epic Genesis
Françoise Hardy - La Question
Françoise Hardy - Comment Te Dire Adieu?
Françoise Hardy - L'amour fou
21st Century Schizoid Band - Official Bootleg Volume One
CPE Bach - CPE Bach Edition
Pink Floyd - Live8 2005
Genesis - Live in Rome 2007
Various - Weekly Playlist 34
Various - Weekly Playlist 35
Capital Models - 19 March 2014

The garden still has a couple of blooms struggling on...

Meanwhile, Anne was off to the store for provisions...

After breakfast, I decided to tidy out the cupboard in the computer room...

Took a break from this for lunch, then a drive to the dump with hundreds of old video tapes before heading to Loanhead where sister Sheila and grand-nephew Kerr were visiting my mum...

After coffee, biscuits and some chat, I took the boy to the park where I used to play football as a kid, leaving Anne, Sheila and my mum to chat some more...

He particularly liked this spider's web thing...

He made me time him going up - 52 seconds...

...and coming down - 16 seconds...

I left him to it and took a walk around the park - 40 years ago, it was completely flat and had two full size football pitches - now there are a couple of five a side courts...

...a kids' playground...

...with a health and safety scenario re anyone falling over...

This "hill" thing has been added...

...over the place where me, the Forsyth twins, Rory MacRae and many others would play three and in and other boys' football based games...

I was keeping an eye on the boy from afar...

...whilst noting the flora...


...things which may or may not still be alive...

...and, my favourite, leaves...

Along what was the behind the goal area of our favourite football pitch... the old church, now flats...

We used to take this short cut through the park when walking to primary school...

The second football pitch remains intact...

There is a leisure centre and swimming pool here now too - the ground taken when it was built now comprises the hill over our former play area...

The beast was kind of keeping an eye on his grand-nephew... 

...who was easily entertained...

...such is the life of a nine-year old boy...

When I was nine, I remember coming to this park on my own, with a leather football and my first pair of football boots - Stanley Matthews was the name on the side of them - I didn't have a football strip but was wearing dark blue school shorts and a dark blue blazer and pretended I played for Dundee FC...

Ah the sixties...

Today, I took a shot on the swings...

...and broke up a fight between two seagulls...

After an hour or so, back to my mum's and then, home, via a supermarket where prawns, peppers, pancetta and tomatoes were purchased and Anne made a super tasty prawn spaghetti for tea...

The tidying continued...

12" singles now in the back room...

Late on, a call for Capital Models to unite once again for a gig in November in Jamie's memory - all proceeds to the British Heart Foundation...

Keith and Andy both up for it - Andy and I haven't played since the rehearsal two days before Jamie left us too soon (which I listened back to tonight) - and we've not played with Keith since last year's Xmas covers night...

So, a challenge...

But, good news I think...

Highlight of the Day : Called into action...

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